I will help you.Purbasari: What can you do? You are just a monkey.Lutung Kasarung: Trust me, Princess. After that, my sister and my father ordered meto go out from the palace and lived in thisforest.Lutung Kasarung: Don’t be sad Princess. When I woke up, the black dotswere there. What happened with your skin?Purbasari: I don’t know why. I hope you can have a lot friend there.Hahaha. I hope you can be happy live inthe jungle. Be careful my dear.Purbararang: Good bye, Purbasari. Let’s go Princess.Purbasari: I will miss you, Dad.Prabu Tapak Agung: Me too. What else do you orderme to do?Prabu Tapak Agung: After that, don’t forget to build a woodenhouse for her.Army: Yes your majesty.

Come here quickly!Army: Yes My lord!Prabu Tapak Agung: Send my daughter to the jungle!Army: Yes, your majesty. What happened to me? Dad, must I go tothe jungle and live there alone?Prabu Tapak Agung: Yes you must goto the jungle and live there alone. You cannot be the queen.Instead, you have to leave this palace and stayin a jungle.Purbasari: Oh, God.
Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan skin#
When I woke up, the black dots were there.Purbararang: Oh, that’s very disgusting!Purbasari: Can my skin be normal again? I want to be thenext queen.Purbararang: You are not as beautiful as I am. Purbasariis cursed by God.Prabu Tapak Agung: What happened with your skin my daughter?Purbasari: I don’tknow, Dad. Oh, my God!Prabu Tapak Agung: What Happened?Purbararang: Look at her! It’s great, isn’t it?Purbararang: Yeah, that’s a good idea. We can ask the witch toput a spell on Pubasari. I must do something tofail the ceremony of throne delegation.Indrajaya: How about going to the witch in the jungle?Purbararang: What for?Indrajaya: To make Purbasari sick. Whereas, I amhis first daughter.Indrajaya: What? Are you sure?Purbararang: Yes, I am very disappointed. You look so angry.Purbararang: Yes, I am extremely angry.Indrajaya: Oh, just tell me your problem honey.Purbararang: He will give the throne to Purba Sari. But your sisterPurbasari is the most proper person to be the next king for thiskingdom.Purbararang: I can’t believe it Dad! She can’t be the next queen!I’m the next queen. The throne is supposed to be mine, not her!Prabu Tapak Agung: I’m sorry Purbararang. But I want you to replace my throne as a king of this kingdom.Hearing this, Purbararang wasangry.Purbararang: You cannot ask her to be the queen, Dad. Not me Dad.Prabu Tapak Agung: That’s truehoney. I think she has more competencies to replace yourthrone as a king.

You must replace my throne as a king.Princess Purbasari: But, How about Purbararang? She is yourfirst daughter. Drama Sunda 6 Orang Singkat Di Sekolah Gratis

(Walkingtowards the king)Prabu Tapak Agung: My daughter,Princess Purbasari. Princess Purbarang: You would never be able to become the nextqueen because I am older than you and I am more suitable forthis throne!Prabu Tapak Agung: Purbasari! Comehere my dear. Anda bisa mendownload atau mencetak gambar atau foto Contoh Drama Bahasa Sunda 6 Orang di bawah ini menggunakan. Selain itu, gambar ini juga memiliki berbagai ukuran.