
Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan
Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan

I will help you.Purbasari: What can you do? You are just a monkey.Lutung Kasarung: Trust me, Princess. After that, my sister and my father ordered meto go out from the palace and lived in thisforest.Lutung Kasarung: Don’t be sad Princess. When I woke up, the black dotswere there. What happened with your skin?Purbasari: I don’t know why. I hope you can have a lot friend there.Hahaha. I hope you can be happy live inthe jungle. Be careful my dear.Purbararang: Good bye, Purbasari. Let’s go Princess.Purbasari: I will miss you, Dad.Prabu Tapak Agung: Me too. What else do you orderme to do?Prabu Tapak Agung: After that, don’t forget to build a woodenhouse for her.Army: Yes your majesty.

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan

Come here quickly!Army: Yes My lord!Prabu Tapak Agung: Send my daughter to the jungle!Army: Yes, your majesty. What happened to me? Dad, must I go tothe jungle and live there alone?Prabu Tapak Agung: Yes you must goto the jungle and live there alone. You cannot be the queen.Instead, you have to leave this palace and stayin a jungle.Purbasari: Oh, God.

Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan skin#

When I woke up, the black dots were there.Purbararang: Oh, that’s very disgusting!Purbasari: Can my skin be normal again? I want to be thenext queen.Purbararang: You are not as beautiful as I am. Purbasariis cursed by God.Prabu Tapak Agung: What happened with your skin my daughter?Purbasari: I don’tknow, Dad. Oh, my God!Prabu Tapak Agung: What Happened?Purbararang: Look at her! It’s great, isn’t it?Purbararang: Yeah, that’s a good idea. We can ask the witch toput a spell on Pubasari. I must do something tofail the ceremony of throne delegation.Indrajaya: How about going to the witch in the jungle?Purbararang: What for?Indrajaya: To make Purbasari sick. Whereas, I amhis first daughter.Indrajaya: What? Are you sure?Purbararang: Yes, I am very disappointed. You look so angry.Purbararang: Yes, I am extremely angry.Indrajaya: Oh, just tell me your problem honey.Purbararang: He will give the throne to Purba Sari. But your sisterPurbasari is the most proper person to be the next king for thiskingdom.Purbararang: I can’t believe it Dad! She can’t be the next queen!I’m the next queen. The throne is supposed to be mine, not her!Prabu Tapak Agung: I’m sorry Purbararang. But I want you to replace my throne as a king of this kingdom.Hearing this, Purbararang wasangry.Purbararang: You cannot ask her to be the queen, Dad. Not me Dad.Prabu Tapak Agung: That’s truehoney. I think she has more competencies to replace yourthrone as a king.

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan

You must replace my throne as a king.Princess Purbasari: But, How about Purbararang? She is yourfirst daughter. Drama Sunda 6 Orang Singkat Di Sekolah Gratis

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan

(Walkingtowards the king)Prabu Tapak Agung: My daughter,Princess Purbasari. Princess Purbarang: You would never be able to become the nextqueen because I am older than you and I am more suitable forthis throne!Prabu Tapak Agung: Purbasari! Comehere my dear. Anda bisa mendownload atau mencetak gambar atau foto Contoh Drama Bahasa Sunda 6 Orang di bawah ini menggunakan. Selain itu, gambar ini juga memiliki berbagai ukuran.

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  • Naskah Drama Komedi Singkat Lucu Untuk 6 Orang.
  • Drama Sunda 6 Orang Singkat Di Sekolah Hari.
  • Drama Sunda 6 Orang Singkat Di Sekolah Gratis.
  • Contoh Drama Sunda 6 Orang Singkat Berjudul Salah Sangka, contohDrama merupakan kumpulan berbagai contoh drama yang bisa dipakai atau dipentaskan disekolah atau diperlombaan.Ada banyak contoh naskah drama disini misalnya, drama remaja, drama pendidikan, drama islami, darama komedi, drama bahasa jawa, bahasa sunda, bahasa indonesia, drama inggris dan lain-lain.

    Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda dan